October 17, 2019
Source: Twisted Truth | By Michael Baxter
[OpDis Editor Note: This means Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria was a cover story. What do you think? Is this true or not? You decide.]

Approximately 150 United States Special Forces troops and two dozen “advisors” fled a U.S.-controlled compound in Syria’s Manbij after receiving credible reports of extraterrestrial invaders headed in their direction, according to Federal Service Bureau agent Dimitri Osmosovich.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has real-time access to global Anunnaki incursions, made an urgent call to President Trump, warning him that an Anunnaki horde had “materialized” 50km from Manbij and was travelling at breakneck speed toward the American military encampment. Although Putin loathed the American military presence in northern Syria, his animus toward malevolent extraterrestrials compelled him to warn Trump of the soldiers’ imminent demise, Osmosovich said.
“At first, Trump did not believe Putin. He thought Putin was making it up. Trump said Putin’s Anunnaki were probably Syrian Arab Army (SAA) regulars out to avenge fallen comrades and that American Special Forces could dispatch them with ease. So, Putin sent him Kremlin-classified encrypted photos and video of Anunnaki warriors slaughtering Syrian civilians near Ras al-Ayn. I understand that Trump gawked at the photos in stunned silence and thanked Putin for the information,” Osmosovich said.
An unconfirmed White House communique stated that President Trump personally contacted Gen. Richard D. Clarke, commander of United States Special Operations Command, instructing him to immediately evacuate all U.S. personnel from Manbij. When the perplexed general asked for an explanation, Trump allegedly replied, “Don’t question my authority. I’m the president. Tell your men to go, run, get to the choppers,” paraphrasing Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fictional character “Dutch” from the movie Predator.
Shortly thereafter, standby helicopters from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, known as the Night Stalkers, began extracting ground forces. Others fled in Hummers or other military vehicles. Within 30 minutes of Trump’s call to Gen. Clarke, the camp was deserted, completely abandoned.
A Special Forces operator claimed to have seen a “massive, swirling sandstorm” looming in the distance. Osmosovich said the sandstorm was an impenetrable wave of Anunnaki intruders that would have overrun the compound and slaughtered all in their path had Trump not ordered the evacuation.
“At a distance of 15km, the Anunnaki stopped and vanished in thin air, probably by way of their preferred means of transport—interdimensional portals,” Osmosovich said.
Asked why the Anunnaki ceased pursuit or did not just portal into the camp, Osmosovich said the following: “The Anunnaki are capricious and unpredictable. Tactics are fluid. Every time we think we understand them, they do something new. But so do we. And maybe now your President Trump will take the Anunnaki threat seriously. The camp would have been obliterated, and the soldiers killed.”
The following day, a RT news crew visited the compound. Video footage suggests American forces made a hasty retreat, as they had left behind weapons, hardware, furniture, personal items, unfinished suppers, and even pets. An abandoned dog and a tabby cat greeted the RT team. Aida Almasi, an Arabic RT correspondent, said, “American military left so quickly, something must have scared the life out of them.”
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